Here we go. Pretty darn nice P-Bass, direct from Fullerton California in 1977. Real straight neck from end to end (a rarity right there), all the original stuff, including its original factory hang tag with inspectors' stamps and its little string, Owner's Manual serial numbered to the bass, and un-filled out warranty form (hey, ya never know), original black hard shell case with Fender logo, orange lining and both original keys. Coupla finish scrapes on the back edges is about it. Really, an extremely nice older P-bass with perfect action and a big, clear, "Precision" tone.
Price: $ 3,295.00 w/ohsc
Quantity : Unit
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Matt Umanov Guitars 273 Bleecker St. NY, NY 10014 (212) 675-2157
open M-Sat 11-7 Sun 12-6
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