Vintage replica from Duncan, Humbucking for bridge position, with nickel cover
This bridge position humbucker is a faithful replica of the great sounding "patent applied for" humbuckers that Seth E. Lover designed in 1955. The pickup comes with slight variations in DC resistance, just like the old ones. They wind the bridge pickup a little hotter for better balance. The mounting ring is slightly higher for the increased pickup height. The pickup is not wax potted to retain the sound and appearance of the originals. Each pickup is built by hand in the "Antiquity" room and every magnet and bottom plate are signed to guarantee that you are getting an original Seymour W. Duncan Antiquity™. Hookup wire includes the classic braided "push back" cloth braid wire.
Price: $ 119.95
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Matt Umanov Guitars 273 Bleecker St. NY, NY 10014 (212) 675-2157
open M-Sat 11-7 Sun 12-6
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